Being in the present...

November 6, 2009

Blanketed by an azure sky, the orange-yellow rays of the setting sun can, at special times, gift us with a moment of such considerble beauty, we find ourselves momentarily stunned, with frozen gaze. The splendor of the moment so dazzles us, our complulsively chattered minds give pause, so as not to mentally whisk us away to a place other than the here and now. Bathed in luminescance, a door seems to open to another reality, always present, yet rarely witnessed.
- Russell E. Dicarloa

I love the imagery of this quote.Becuase it captures everything I would ever be able to say. As you look at something so beautiful, your mind stops all thought and you are in that moment. Truely present and in awe of what you are seeing. That is the moment I strive to have in every moment. Not just the beautiful ones, but the hard ones, the sad ones and the everyday boring ones. Something I have held at one moment in my life, but let it slip away. I know it exists and I will get it back.



Easier said than done

November 6, 2009

It has been a while since my last post. Time seems to have escaped me and taken my focus away from the important things and dropped me into the everyday traffic of life. With work, bills, family and friends, time escapes me and the day is over, before i have even begun living it.
So time to refocus and re-claim my life and time. To out things in order of importance and to really let the spirit lead me in what needs to be done, not what has to be done.

I have dug out an old book today - The Pow...

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On the Road again!

September 13, 2009

I am on the road again. Back to the solid path, that gently slopes and twists. Showing a beautiful suprise at ever turn.
I am yearning to get back into meditation practices. Build a solid foundation for my mornings. Re-connect with my spirit, God's breathe within me and to contain more clarity. I will aim to journal on here my meditaitons, how long I did it for, my progress and how I am feeling - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I hope you join me in my journey to a more relax...

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Is 10 minutes enough?

September 12, 2009

How many minutes a day do you spend on yourself? Obviously most of us on a daily basis will have a shower, use the bathroom, drive somewhere (work or shops), check the mail, hang out the washing etc. No doubt you all do this by yourselves, but does that count as time focusing on yourself and having some "downtime"?
If you ask honestly, how many minutes in a 24 hour period do you spend doing something for you? Focusing on yourself, something you want to do, in reflection on your current life. 3...

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Meditation to relieve tension

September 10, 2009

Sit in a high back chair, back straight and feet firmly planted on the floor. Keep your knees at the same width as your hips. Place your hands on your upper thighs or gently relaxed infront of you. Feel free to do this pose on the floor, though beginners will find it more comfortable on a chair.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, bringing your attention to your breath. follow your inhalations and your exhalations. Relax your body with every breath. Let everything you have been holding...

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If your interested in aromatherapy, this is a must have.

September 9, 2009

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How to deal with everyday headaches

September 9, 2009
A lot of people get headaches on a regular and re-occuring basis. And what do we all do? Reach for the panadol and pop a few pills. 20 minutes later and we are feeling better. But it is not really treating the cause, just hidding the pain from you. So here are my tips:
1: As soon as you feel a headache come on, go and drink a few big glasses of water. Usually the headaches we get are due to being dehydrated. Did you know that after a cup of coffee you need to drink at least one glass of water!...
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Great meditation links

September 9, 2009
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Natural Therapies

September 9, 2009

I have been interested in natural therapies for about 10 years now. Trying my hand at massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, chakras and meditation. I must say that I absolutely love aromatherapy and try to burn oils or use oils on a daily basis. I also really enjoyed mediation when I was good and did it everyday. But over the last few years it has fallen away. I would love to finish the meditaiton teaching certificate I started many years ago and also write a book on meditation. Looking at what...

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About Me

Fiona I want to create a site where people can come for inspiration and motivation to keep their life balanced with work. I know more than anyone, how hard it can be to have a work/life balance. But am trying to be more aware of how I spend my spare time and use it to help keep that balance. Through meditation, reflexology, reading, journaling, praying, aromatherapy and long hot bubble baths!
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